
Rather than being held in place by your remaining teeth, such as standard dental bridges, implant-retained bridges are instead supported by crowns attached to your existing teeth and to the implants in the jawbone. Your new implants are built with titanium and are surgically incorporated into your jaw to help support the new teeth. Crowns are subsequently attached to the surrounding teeth to assist in securing the implant. This type of bridge would be a great alternative for the replacement of several missing teeth, but it could also be employed to prevent excess strain on the implant. This process utilizes innovative technology to create a lasting and improved smile. At Ah! Dentistry in the DFW area, our experienced dentists only utilize high-quality materials to provide you with a stunning and natural smile. Implant-retained bridges are a more affordable remedy to restore lost teeth and help you get back the appearance and function of your previous teeth.

Best Candidates

Good candidates for implant bridges are patients who are missing several teeth due to a variety of circumstances, such as genetics, trauma, or lifestyle choices. They may also be a great alternative for those suffering from jaw clenching and teeth grinding. You must have pristine gum health to be eligible to receive an implant. If not, a bone graft or augmentation may need to be completed prior to implant installation. Your Ah! Dentistry dentist will examine your overall dental health and decide whether implant bridges are a good choice for you.

What to Expect

The installation of implant bridges is a multiple-step procedure. The first step is the surgical placement of the implant into your jaw. After this process takes place, the tissue around the gums will need a few months to recover, also allowing the implant time to integrate properly. Before continuing, the successful integration of the implant will be verified using digital x-rays. If they show that integration has gone according to plan, then it is on to the next stage of the procedure. Your custom bridge will be anchored to your implant and any necessary crowns will be placed on your adjacent teeth. Your bridge may be adjusted, if necessary, for proper comfort and fit.


Throughout each step of the process, your implant will need proper daily cleaning. Our team could also suggest using special tools that may help you achieve a more thorough cleaning between the gum and bridge. You should also keep attending twice-yearly cleanings to check the implant as necessary to optimize your oral health.

Insurance Coverage

The price of the procedure can fluctuate based upon the number of lost teeth that need to be replaced. During your consultation, we will talk to you about the various restorative dentistry treatments that could best meet your cosmetic goals and price range. Our financial planner will contact your insurance provider, if you have one, to ascertain what may or may not be paid for by your policy. Ah! Dentistry also offers numerous payment methods to help make your treatment fit your budget.

Plan Your Procedure


Implant-Retained Bridges

The implant bridge procedure is an exciting, sturdy substitute for the replacement of missing teeth. Utilizing advanced, contemporary technologies, our dental team provides implant-retained bridges to revive our patients’ smiles. To find out if implant-retained bridges would be the ideal choice for you, contact Ah! Dentistry to arrange your appointment.