
If periodontal (gum) disease has progressed into the complex phases, you might develop gum recession. This induces a raised gumline and visible tooth roots. At Ah! Dentistry, a part of your gum disease therapy might consist of gum grafting to repair your gumline. With many different graft choices, our qualified dental team will produce your personalized treatment plan to repair your gums. Get in touch with one of our three offices in the DFW area to find out more information on how surgical gum grafts may fix your gums, cover your teeth, and also enhance the look of your grin.

Best Candidates

Typically, gums grafts are used to correct gum recession brought on by gum (periodontal) disease. Your gumline might be higher and your gums might pull back from your teeth. Exposed tooth roots can cause greater sensitivity. Less common reasons, which may cause or lead to gum recession, are aggressive tooth brushing or using a bad technique, frequent jaw clenching or teeth grinding (bruxism), and dental misalignment. Sometimes, oral piercings (tongue or lip) can rub against the gums and lead to recession. During your appointment, our dental team will evaluate your gums and decide if you’re a candidate for gum graft surgery.

What To Expect

There are various types of grafts that will be chosen according to your individual needs. Connective-tissue gum grafts are the most common kind used to fix exposed tooth roots. This starts by cutting an incision in the palate (roof of your mouth) to take a little flap of skin. The connective tissue is taken from within the flap and then grafted to your gums. A free gingival graft is comparable except that much more tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth to build up especially thin gums. The next graft is a pedicle graft, which removes extra tissue from your mouth to cover your tooth roots. At your initial consultation, we can help you select the type of graft to meet your goals.


It is possible to go home following this surgery; however, you should plan to recover for a couple of days. You will also have to have a friend or family member take you home if you had intravenous or oral sedation. A member of our staff will explain your aftercare instructions, such as dietary suggestions and any prescription medications you will need to take. You might feel some discomfort or pain for a short amount of time after the surgery, which could be minimized with cold packs and nonprescription pain medication. To prevent damage to the grafts, you shouldn’t floss or brush while your gums heal. We will suggest a wash to help keep your mouth fresh. You might have to go back for another appointment so we can track your recovery and improvements.

Insurance Coverage

If you have dental insurance, then a member of our staff will get in touch with your insurer and verify your coverage. For remaining costs after insurance and also for patients not using insurance, Ah! Dentistry takes several payments. During your appointment, we will discuss your estimated prices. We may also give you more information on medical financing to help make your gum grafting fit your budget.

Plan Your Procedure


Gum Graft Surgery

Surgical gum grafts are a restoration dental treatment at Ah! Dentistry, utilized to fix your gums, improve your dental health, and also help to make your smile look more appealing. If you have gum recession because of advanced gum disease or other reasons, schedule an appointment at one of our facilities in the DFW area to find out more information about the advantages of gum graft surgery.