
If your teeth do not fit together correctly, it may be damaging to your gums and teeth, and can also lead to discomfort in your jawbone. An analysis of your bite is done to diagnose a poor bite or a dental malocclusion. To complete a bite evaluation, our qualified DFW area dentists employ innovative technologies to check the potency of your teeth and also ascertain how much pressure is exerted by every tooth. A bite analysis could identify whether you have an overbite, underbite, or crossbite. We also assess your muscles, jaw, and teeth as a whole to try to find any underlying problems, which could be brought on by a poor bite. If not handled correctly, a poor bite may cause future issues, which may be debilitating or painful so it is necessary to get a diagnosis once you observe a painful or uncomfortable bite. To learn more about bite analysis, contact Ah! Dentistry.

Best Candidates

You may have numerous reasons to ask for a bite diagnosis and decide whether a disorder is present. Several of the most frequent symptoms include crooked, cracked, chipped, or broken teeth, pain when you chew, chronic jaw aches or headaches, inflamed or rigid jawbone, along with receding gums. Sometimes a misaligned bite may result in teeth grinding, also called bruxism, which may cause additional pain along with a reduction of dental enamel.

What to Expect

The bite analysis procedure is commonly composed of electronic imaging, a 3D oral scan, and a bite study, along with a physical examination. Once the problems with your bite are recognized, there are a couple of treatment methods based on the seriousness of your specific situation. In more moderate instances, a nighttime dental guard is generally advocated, although some serious problems may need operative therapy.


It is essential that in the event you experience any secondary problems with your alignment that you contact our office for a follow-up appointment. You should also continue to attend regular dental exams to ensure the evaluation of any needed modifications, even after therapy. It is also advisable to continue to maintain a suitable home dental hygiene regimen, including regular flossing, brushing, and mouthwash.

Insurance Coverage

Your cost for a bite evaluation depends upon the kind of imaging that is used. Before your bite analysis, our financial staff will get in touch with your insurance provider to ascertain what could be insured and if there will be any extra expenses. Ah! Dentistry takes many payment options and we will be able to help you find low-interest medical financing so that your therapy is affordable.

Plan Your Procedure

Bite Analysis

When you are experiencing abnormalities with your bite or feel pain when you eat or speak, you might want to be given a bite evaluation. We can diagnose what might be causing the problem and assist in taking care of it before additional issues happen. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, Ah! Dentistry will collect all of the information required to provide you with an analysis and customized plan to renew your bite and dental wellness.