11 Restorative Dentistry Services


The strength of your jawbone is key to your general oral health. If your jawbone is weak from physical trauma or missing teeth, you may require bone grafting so your jaw can properly fit both dental implants and your natural teeth. Bone grafting, also known as osseous surgery, helps to strengthen and build up your jawbone so it is healthy enough to hold an implant. At Ah! Dentistry, osseous surgery is used to strengthen your mouth before implant surgery to replace missing or weak teeth. Plan an appointment at one of our state-of-the-art DFW area facilities to receive more information on bone graft surgery.

Best Candidates

You may have a weak jawbone if you have some oral diseases, like gingivitis, or if you had a physical trauma to your mouth. Atrophy in the jawbone can happen if you were missing a tooth (or teeth), and it was not treated/was replaced with a removable or cemented restoration instead of a dental implant. Bone graft surgery rebuilds the jaw so it can support a dental implant; however, you will have to be willing to commit time to the process. Bone grafting may need several months to heal, but you will gain a stronger, healthier jawbone that will be able to support dental implants and your natural teeth for better oral health.

What To Expect

The steps of your bone graft procedure will depend on the where the graft comes from and the amount of grafting needed. The donor bone may be taken from another bone in your body, such as your hip, chin, or shin, which is an autograft. An autograft may be completed in our office using sedation and local anesthesia, or at a surgical facility using general anesthesia. Additional graft sources include an allograft, which takes the bone graft from another human. A xenograft bone graft is taken from an animal, generally a cow. Another option is a synthetic bone graft known as an alloplast. During your consultative appointment, our dental team will explain your grafting options and help you decide on the best plan.

As soon as your bone graft is ready, local anesthesia will be used to numb the needed areas and an incision will be placed through the gum tissue to reach the bone. Your graft will be affixed to your jawbone, plus proteins and collagen that encourage bone growth. The gums will be stitched closed and the mouth will be cleaned.


In the following nine months, the graft should heal and bone with your jaw, a process known as osseointegration. Within this timeframe, it is crucial to have a regular oral care routine with flossing and brushing, plus any additional products suggested by our team. We may also provide a prescription for pain medication or antibiotics for any inflammation or discomfort after your procedure. You may need to make follow-up appointments at Ah! Dentistry to evaluate your healing process and to decide when your mouth is ready for dental implants.

Insurance Coverage

Our office can talk to your dental insurance to figure out your benefits and personal responsibilities, although if bone grafting is medically necessary, part of your costs for the surgery is typically paid. At your consultative appointment, we may create a cost estimate with or without dental insurance, and go over payment methods, including low-interest medical financing.

Plan Your Procedure

Bone Grafting

Help rebuild your jaw so it can hold both your teeth and dental implants with surgical bone grafting at Ah! Dentistry. At your appointment, you will learn more about your options and get a personalized plan for treatment that will help give you a healthier jaw. Contact our team at one of our three DFW area facilities to schedule your appointment.